• The Demonata - plan 1

    25 April 2024

    I just this minute finished typing up one of my plans for how a TV adaptation of The Demonata might be structured.


    "One of?!?"


    Yep. When I started working things out, I saw that there were two different ways to do it - well, there are LOADS of ways to do it, of course, but there are two ways of special interest to ME - and I need to type up the second plan next, before submitting it to the Dreamology Pictures team. They may well not want to go in one of my suggested directions, which will be absolutely fine -- I'll happily support them in their preferred approach if that turns out to be the case. But at least I'll have pitched my plans to them and put my ideas out there.


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  • Comments

    No AvatarAmanda Kay Cain
    26, Apr, 2024
    I hope this comes to be for real! My best friend and I read these books in our early high school years and I just bought the box set so I could enjoy them as an adult. On a whim, I decided to see if a show had ever been attempted and I found this site with recent blogs about a series in the works....I've never been more excited for a potential series in my life.
    No AvatarPamela Gomez
    27, Apr, 2024
    I hope one day in the future you're able to share with us your different ideas about how it could have gone!
    No AvatarSandra
    07, Jun, 2024
    I'm really hoping this gets made! I loved the series!

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