The March issue of the Shanville Monthly is live
01 March 2021The March issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter went live today, with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates. It's a real mixed bag of articles this month, everything from a manga to a song about a road in Ireland... a packet of coffee to a pop quiz... a mini-zine to some missing spider legs... and a whole lot more!
In truth, if you're a follower of my blog or Facebook page, there's usually very little new material in any given issue of a Shanville Monthly. It's merely a quick, easy way of getting up to speed with the items that I've posted about over the last 30 or 31 days -- or 28 in this case. I pull together the best of my last month's posts, edit them into the newsletter, and put it out there for those who might have missed some, most or indeed all of the articles, depending on how closely they follow me across my various social media outlets.
But I do like to drop an occasional exclusive item into the monthly newsletter, and in this month's issue I provide readers with the clearest hint yet of when the world can expect me to drop my latest Archibald Lox books -- regular followers know that three of them (forming Volume 2 of the series) are on the way, but I haven't previously said when exactly they'll be released. The precise dates are still to be revealed (mainly because I haven't yet 100% settled on them!), but if you pay close attention when you're reading the newsletter, you'll be able to narrow them down to a specific season... :-)