• The multiverse of Shan covers

    31 July 2019

    A little follow-up to yesterday's post about different editions of my books.  If you're ever interested in checking out the different editions of my work, from the various countries in the world where they have been published, you'll find almost all of them on my web site, over here: https://www.darrenshan.com/covers/


    I say "almost" because occasionally a publisher will forget to send on copies of a certain book or edition, or they'll get lost in the post, or devoured by demons. There aren't many holes in my collection, but the odd one or two do pop up -- for instance, recently a French fan posted a picture of all 12 volumes of the French versions of the Cirque Du Freak manga, which came as a surprise to me, as I'd only been sent the first 6, and I thought the publishers had stopped there!


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