• The passing freaky years

    14 August 2019

    A little follow-up (of sorts) to yesterday's post about Evra Von. A fan of the Cirque Du Freak manga called Pendex sent me this collage a while back, illustrating how intriguingly the characters of Darren and Evra had aged over the course of the series. The first row shows what they looked like in volume 1, when they were mere whipper-snappers of lads. The second row hails from volume 3, a few years later, when they were getting ready to deal with a crazed serial killer. And the third row captures them as men (in years if not in appearance in Darren's case) when their paths crossed again in volume 7.



    I know the Cirque Du Freak movie divided fans, but I've met very few who have had anything but unreserved praise for the manga adaptation. Takahiro Arai and his team stayed very faithful to the books, even while putting their own spin on things that gave it a life and feel all of its own, and these few pictures show the amount of thought they put in to making sure that even the smallest of details rang true throughout. If you haven't yet read the manga, I recommend them most highly -- they appeared in Japan originally, but all 12 voumes have been translated and released in the USA, UK, Taiwan and many more countries. If your local bookseller can't order them for you online, track them down online -- they're worth the effort!

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