• The Phoenix Project - Slawter review

    19 March 2024

    There was a review for my book SLAWTER on a blog called THE PHOENIX PROJECT recently, in which the reviewer states that Slawter is, quote, their "favourite book of all time." You can't ask for much more than that as an author!!!!! You can check out the full review by clicking on the following link:




    Many of my fans cite Slawter as one of their favourite books of mine, or at least one of their favourites from The Demonata. As I've always admitted, its response came as something of a surprise to me. While I was happy with the finished book, I didn't feel that I'd done the initial idea as much justice as I thought it merited. I'm not sure what else I wished to do with it -- I just came away from it thinking I could have done MORE with the concept. My agent loved it, and my editor loved it, but I wasn't sure that fans would embrace it, and I thought my message to my readers was going to have to be, "Look, I know it's not quite as strong as the first two books in the series, but it's an important bridging book -- much as Vampire Mountain was in my Cirque Du Freak series -- and lots better is to come." Instead, the message my readers had for ME was, "This is great, Shan, and we need more books from you just like this one!!!"


    Proof, if any was needed, that writers aren't ALWAYS the best judges of their own works!! I think we often overestimate the impact some of our books are going to have (every writer loves to think they've written a world-changing book!!) but occasionally we UNDERestimate their impact too!!!!


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