The Pick of a Connoisseur
06 July 2022Archibald Lox and the Pick of Loxes (book 8 of the series) went on sale last month, and (no pun intended!!) picked up a glowing review from The Literary Connoisseur. The Connoisseur has been a long-time reviewer of my work, and it's always a pleasure (and a relief!) when I read one of her reviews and find that the book hasn't disappointed. I especially liked this line:
"I'd go as far as to say that this chunk of Archie's story is now my favorite of the series, as it further convinces me that before this fantastical tale comes to an end, it's only going to get better."
I know, every time I start a long series, that a lot of readers will drift away before it finishes. It's just the way of the world -- kids grow up... adults get distracted... there are always new books by other authors to catch your eye... I'm as guilty of series-jumping as anyone else -- I STILL haven't read all the Artemis Fowl or Alex Rider books, even though I'm a big fan of both series. I didn't deliberately stop reading them, and hopefully I'll get back to them at some point in the not too distant future -- I just... drifted.
It's a pity we do this, because a really good series DOES get better and better as it goes along, as the Connoisseur notes. I always try to build with my series, to save the best for the latter stages, to hit readers with some of the biggest twists and turns as they're drawing near to the end. Long-time fans of mine who followed me to the ends of my Sagas, and Demonata, and Zom-B, will know what I mean. Those who jumped ship early... well, you really don't know what you're missing!! ������
Anyway, you can read the full review by clicking on the following link:
And if you want to find out more about the last couple of Archibald Lox books, and where you can buy them, click here: