• The spirits are calling…

    29 July 2019

    I happened to spot the eBook of KOYASAN riding high in one of the Amazon UK charts recently. Granted, it's a fairly niche chart -- Children's Multicultural Folk Tales And Myths -- but still, it's nice to see that there's still a lot of interest in a short, neglected book that I released more than thirteen years ago.


    For those unfamiliar with it, Koyasan was a novelette that I wrote for World Book Day back in 2006 -- it was one of the £1 books that year. It was very warmly received, but to my surprise my publishers never reprinted it, so it's officially out of print. A few years ago, my agent and I decided to make it available as a perma-cheap eBook through global online stores like Amazon, and it's found a new home there. If you're interested in checking it out, look for it on your favourite local web seller of books -- or if you'd prefer a paperback copy, you can probably find one easily and cheaply enough through an Amazon reseller, or on eBay, or a site like Abebooks or Alibris. (I see with raised eyebrows that one enterprising seller on Amazon UK is asking £495 for a copy -- you can stump that up if you wish, but a used copy for £1.41 makes much more sense to me...)


    Here's the link for the book on Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Koyasan-Darren-Shan-ebook/dp/B01LQI2HXC/


    And here's the link for fans in the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Koyasan-Darren-Shan-ebook/dp/B01LQI2HXC/


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