• Time travelling nicely

    05 July 2023

    As I mentioned in my online monthly newsletter last weekend, my next Darren Dash novel for adult readers (a sci-fi tale about time travel) will be coming out later this year -- hopefully October, though it might be a bit later. I sent my final solo edit to my editor, ZOE, in June, and have been awaiting her feedback and comments. It's always a nervous time for me when I submit a book to Zoe, as she's usually the first person in the world to read it, meaning her reaction is the first hint I'm getting of whether or not the story is actually any good! *GULP!!!*


    Zoe replied to me at the weekend, and here's what she had to say about it:


    "Absolutely loved this one! 1984 meets Time Bandits! Definitely one that sticks with you after you’ve read it – peppering your brain with questions as you go about your day, side-eyeing your computer… Couldn’t love the title more, either – it’s perfect."


    PHEW!!!! That came as a huge relief, especially as this book is VERY different to my other novels, and I genuinely have no idea how readers (particularly my long-time fans) are going to take it. Hopefully they're going to enjoy it as much as Zoe did -- if not, I'll be informing Big Brother!!!


    Zoe's comments also provide a few nice clues to what to expect -- there's definitely a 1984, Big-Brother-Is-Watching-You theme to it. And the Time Bandits reference tips you off to the fact that the time travel element comes somewhat tongue-in-cheek (though I should note this is a satire more than a comedy, so don't expect too many belly laughs). A computer clearly plays a big, ominous role in it too, judging by Zoe's new nervousness around her PC. Oh, and it has a "perfect" title, which is...


    Nah!!! I'm not revealing that just yet!!! But stay tuned, and I'm sure I'll be sharing it with you sooner rather than later... relatively speaking, of course!!



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