Toothy Fan Art Friday
25 August 2023I was chewing gum last night, after eating some fruit and yogurt which I'd sprinkled with crushed nuts and seeds, when I felt the tooth in the far left lower corner of my mouth go SNAP!!! Luckily I was able to get an appointment at my dentist's this afternoon, and the gap has been filled -- rather like the gap in the Pit Of Stakes was filled all those years ago!!! (Sorry!! Too soon?!?)
Anyway, that put me in a TOOTHY mood when it came to putting together today's FAN ART FRIDAY, so I scanned through all the images in my desktop folder, looking for four in which teeth play a prominent part, and I came up with the following canine-led quartet...
First, we have Mr Crepsley, drawn by MIFFY. Yes, we all know MY vampires DON'T have fangs, but in this instance let's have no carping, as it fits the theme perfectly!!
Next up we have a toothsome Mr Tiny, drawn by NOEL. This was actually part of a diptych, featuring Darren Shan in the other drawing, but alas I've had to break it up!!
Steve Leopard stars in the third drawing, and he's never looked so sharp of tooth! It was drawn by LIV.
Finally we have Vanez Blane, drawn by DAN, and with as fine a set of teeth as these, I doubt he's EVER had to worry about visits to the dentist!! :-) :-) :-)