• US Review Of Books - Father of the Future

    15 April 2024

    When Father Of The Future - my latest novel for adult readers, released under the pseudonym of Darren Dash - was released late last year, it picked up lots of extremely positive reviews, including one from US Review Of Books, which noted in its closing line: "this is a fascinating and imaginative science fiction tale that blends fact and fiction to weave an entertaining read."


    The review also neatly summarised the book's main plot, something I often struggle with -- I'm not very good at giving the short version of my sometimes very long stories!!! :-)


    You can check out the full review here: https://www.theusreview.com/reviews-1/Father-of-the-Future-by-Darren-Dash.html


    The eBook of Father Of The Future is on sale through all the major online retailers (Amazon, Apple, Google Play, Kobo, B&N, etc) or you can buy a hardback or paperback copy through Amazon stores worldwide.


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