• Volume 3 COVER REVEAL!

    23 August 2022


    The Volume 3 omnibus of my Archibald Lox series goes on sale on October 25th. It collects the final three books of the series in a lovely, thick, single edition, and presents them as one long, unbroken novel, the way I originally wrote the story arc.

    My cover designer Liam - https://cover.works/ - has come up with another stunning cover to round out the trilogy of omnibuses. I'm including it here as a world exclusive cover reveal, before I upload it to all the various sites where it will be on sale, so you guys get to enjoy it before anyone else.

    The cheapest way to buy the book will be as an eBook, through Amazon, Apple, Google Play, Kobo, Nook, etc. There will also be a nicely priced paperback edition, on sale exclusively through Amazon. And there will be a gorgeous hardback edition, which is quite a lot more expensive, available through a variety of sellers, for those of you with a healthy bank balance!!! ������Here are some links if you wish to pre-order the book ahead of its release.

    Amazon: https://mybook.to/ArchieVolume3ebook
    Apple, Kobo, Nook, etc: https://books2read.com/u/49veyM
    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Darren_Shan_Archibald_Lox_Volume_3?id=A3F-EAAAQBAJ


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