• World Book Day

    29 March 2020

    World Book Day seems a long time ago now, doesn't it? Hailing from an era before lockdowns and self-isolation, it just about squeezed in under the curtain that was about to fall heavily over our normal day-to-day lives. Luckily it fell before the Coronavirus hit in most places, so kids got to dress up as their favourite book characters and have a lot of fun. One lovely day of carefree happiness before darker times befell the world.


    My son Dante decided to go to school as Paddiington Bear, and he had a whale of a time in his costume -- he was still in it, face paint intact, when I picked him up at the end of the school day.


    Let's hope we're all back on a more level footing by the time the next World Book Day rolls around, though I've no idea what Dante might dress up as next time -- as long as it's not a damn virus, I won't mind!! :-)




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