• World Book Day - Irish Examiner

    08 March 2021

    As I'm sure most of you know, last Thursday was World Book Day. In Ireland, the arts and features staff of the Irish Examiner newspaper put together an article celebrating their love of books, and mentioning some of the authors and books that have left a lasting impression with them. There were three categories -- Childhood Classics, All-Time Faves, and What We're Reading Now. There was a nice mention for my books in the first category, though it does make me feel rather old these days when journalists talk about growing up with my books... :-)


    You can check out the article here: https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/artsandculture/arid-40237673.html



    I guess lots of fans of mine have also grown up with the Shanville Monthly newsletter, which has been a regular part of my output almost as long as my books have been! The March 2021 issue (issue 248 and counting!) is packed with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, and you can find it here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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