03 April 2024

    I *might* have shared this one with you before, but I don't *think* I have!!!


    Basically it's a podcast from nearly 3 years ago, called YOU KNOW WHAT I LIKE...? They covered lots of books and movies, and spent one episode talking just about Cirque Du Freak, which both of the hosts -- Mark and Sophie -- were big fans of in their teens. They went back and refamiliarised themselves with the books ahead of the podcast, then chatted about their thoughts. They're not always gushing in their praise, especially Sophie, but it's interesting to hear how people absorb a book differently when they're adults compared with how they did when they were younger.


    The podcast runs about 45 minutes in total, and you can check it out here: https://www.ykwilpodcast.com/58982/8778434


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