• You’re gonna need a bigger shelf!

    28 January 2021

    For those wanting to know a bit more about Volume One of the Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus, a fan on Twitter with the user handle of Hallowraith got hold of a copy yesterday and shared the following photos and info:


    "The first thing that jumped out to me was how BIG this book is, the Amazon page didn't have any photos, so I wasn't sure what to expect until it arrived! It's about two inches thick and a quarter larger format than the original manga. The images inside are bigger due to the larger print, and all high quality! Daresay the cover art is even more detailed than I remember? The printed leather texture is especially crisp across the cover, and there's new flavor text on the back to go along with the omnibus edition!


    "The translation of the manga has not changed from the original print english translation, which was already great! As advertised, the omnibus edition contains both manga adaptions of books 1 and two. A blank page separates the two 'books', omitting book 2's cover art.


    "All of Arai's afterwords / "making-of" mini-comics are at the end of each part, which I'm really glad they didn't omit! I remember being so excited to read those at the end of each harrowing (and often horrifying!) adventure in Darren's saga."


    I didn't realise the omnibus was going to be bigger than the original! (I haven't received my author copies yet.) I was excited when I found out -- the artwork will definitely benefit from the larger size.


    You should be able to order the omnibus from any shop that sells English language manga. This is the link for the official Yen Press page for the book, which includes links to several American stores:




    Fans in other countries can either order through their local manga specialist, or through somewhere like their local Amazon store or Book Depository -- links for both of those are here:









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