• Zom-B in the USA!!!

    31 October 2011

    My American publishers, LittleBrown, have bought the rights to my “Zom-B” series!!! They will be publishing all 12 books at the same time that they come out in the UK, starting in September or October 2012, with a new book every 3 months. And as the following article about the sale mentions, the books will be illustrated!!! We’re still discussing the exact specifications of this, how many pictures we’re going to include in each book, whether they’ll be single panels or graphic-novel type pages, etc. And, before you ask, yes, the illustrations will be appearing in the UK editions too! More news to follow as and when it breaks!! http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/book-news/deals/article/49319-deals-week-of-october-31-2011.html

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