Ashley Manning | 27 November 2012 | Ashley Manning

I want to write about a book I read a couple of months ago, Zom-B by Darren Shan. I’m a longtime Shan fan, and have read everything he has written. But I have thought though that recently his writing has gone downhill. Other than Lord Loss and Bec, The Demonata, was a pretty average series of books, nothing compared to The Saga of Darren Shan. Even the Larten Crepsley Saga was pretty poor to begin with. However i carried on reading, and this year it paid off. The last of the Crepsley books was the strongest of the series, and that was followed by Lady of the Shades, which is also a very good book. So by the time Zom-B came out I had high hopes for it. A new 12 book series by Shan would surely be good, and this time he is writing about Zombies. I read the entire book without pausing and couldn’t believe it was written by the same person who wrote The Demonata. Straight away this was a superior series, with clever twists and a great ending. I can’t wait for the next one. After the Zombie attack in the opening pages, they are largely forgotten until much later in the book and by that point I was questioning why they needed to be included at all. B’s strained relationship with her dad was keeping me gripped, but when the zombies got involved it just got better. This is definitely the best book I have read this year, and the best book Shan has written since the Saga of Darren, if not the best book he has ever written. Genuinely cannot wait for the next one.

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