| 13 December 2007 | Don D'Ammassa
The fourth title in the Demonata series, supernatural fantasy adventures for younger readers, claims to be "chilling", but despite the plethora of demons found within this slender volume, it is more adventure than suspense and certainly didn't chill me at all. In a primitive world - apparently our own - the population is plagued by the appearance of the demonata, demons from other arms of the Multiverse. The young protagonist whose adventures we follow is an unusual boy [er ... Bec is a GIRL!!! methinks this particular reviewer wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to the book!!! darren] whose abilities and nature confound the druids and priestesses but who seems fated to have a serious impact on the state of the world.Much of what follows involves battles with the other worldly invaders, or plans to deal with them. The story is written in present tense, which also grates on my nerves. This one seems more like a filler than a progression. I won't describe the ending, which is actually quite surprising, but despite its novelty, I found it disappointing, no real payoff for what had preceded it. The fifth in the series, Blood Beast, is due out later this year. Since my first novel was Blood Beast (Pinnacle, 1988, but not my original title), I'll have a special reason for noting its appearance. Somehow I doubt there will be much else in common.
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