Big Reporter | 06 June 2014 | Sophie Lloyd

Lord Loss is the perfect book for lovers of horror. With demons, gruesome imagery and a tactful plot which shall leave you in awe throughout, Darren Shan keeps you on your toes and guessing the outcome of the most hopeless situations. With numerous scenes of blood and guts portrayed in the most meticulous way possible, this is definitely not a book for the light hearted. Lord Loss is the first book in a ten book series aptly named the Demonata Series which kicks off the Saga with a bang, getting straight into the action to keep you hooked from the first page. Based on Grubbs Grady’s life, this book contains demons, magic and shall take you directly into worlds you never thought possible. A gripping initial idea manifesting into the most absorbing and unbelievable plot you have ever read. Until finished Lord Loss shall become your life as this is one of the most unputdownable books in existence.


Darren Shan is known for being a teenage fiction writer. However, do not be deceived by the audience of the author. Lord Loss is not the typical happy mystic story, lined with romance and an ultimate happy ending. There is no happy ending, no happy romance and no comfort to be taken within this book. This is not a ‘fangirl book’. Soon after reading you shall be checking under the bed expecting the demons to come from the shadows and attack as Darren Shan causes you to believe the impossible. The description of demons create clear and detailed imagery which may disturb you and cause disgust and to cringe against, being perfect for those who want a fast-moving story with lots of action, creatures and mystery. I would not recommend this book for anyone who is under the ten of ten, maybe even older depending on how easily scared you consider yourself to be.


Grubbs (the main character and the viewpoint of which the story is told) is a captivating character who increasingly develops throughout the book, causing you to continuously change your opinion upon the boy and finding yourself physically speaking to the character. His feelings and opinions magnify the excitement and buzz of the plot of demons invading his life and slaughtering all he cares for. Although Grubb’s life is in pieces, the action is so exciting that you may even find yourself wanting to take his place, to discover his world. A stream of mystery running through shall have you wanting to discover the secrets which are even held from the Grubbs, leading to the most compelling question of them all… what is the Grady family secret?


This book has to be one of the most repulsive, exhilarating and action packed book creating eye-popping tension and gripping scenes from the beginning to the end. Not being aimed for a comedy book, reading Lord Loss did not cause laughter (only the occasional chuckle at the jokes which a character called Dervish says) but did cause some fear at certain points where demons are present and contains many horrific death scenes for those who are partial to a cry now and again. As do many authors, Darren Shan chooses to end his book with a surprising end, effectively leaving the reader on the edge and begging for more.
Definitely not a book to be missed!


5 stars.

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