| 29 April 2010 | Conor Nolan
Darren Shans new book, Deaths shadow was the next book from his "The Demonata" Series and at this crucial point of the storyline things are just heating up. Its the seventh release of The Demonata series and it is one of the best.It comes to a shocking conclusion at the end and the story unfolds the more you read the more you want to read. I enjoyed reading each word of this book, But be warned, Starting this series of books at book 5 could ruin the story. Anyway, I loved this book because it grabs you and makes you want to learn more Its excited, Never boring and gives you the spooks when your sitting in your bed reading at night! Id say this book is perfect from anything between 8 and 14 or even older! This book topped the charts in Ireland and the last instalment of the series, "Demon Apocalypse" Was a best seller in America too! Anyone into Goosebumps, Or A good 'ol mystery book would love this series. Its about... Wait just one second, Why dont you read it for yourself! I rate this book a 9.5/10 And i for one can say im looking forward to Darren's next book, Wolf island! But this book leaves you pondering one question. Can you really cheat Death?
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