| 05 May 2008 | Strange
Death's Shadow, the seventh installment in Darren Shan's amazing second series, The Demonata, is just as action packed and gore-filled as it's predecessors.This book is narrated by Bec, who, as anyone following the series will know, is part of the legendary weapon, the Kah-Gash, along with Kernel and Grubbs.The book starts will Bec staying with Grubbs uncle, Dervish, who is still mourning the loss of Bill-E and using Bec to access his former memories. This leaves her feeling used and unwanted, until the unexpected arrival of Meera Flame.Without giving away too much of the plot, I can say that anyone who enjoyed the rest of the series will love this book, and it is my personal favourite in the series.Many of the characters come into their own in this book, with a lot of twists and turns in the plot. This book also sees the return of an old enemy, but not Lord Loss...The main focus is of this book is the Disciples quest to uncover more about 'the Shadow', as Beranabus named it. This is revealed to be the creature that the members of the Kah-Gash saw in the cave, and at the end is revealed to be something far more sinister...
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