| 01 May 2008 | Jan Fields
In the bleak world of The Demonata, demons struggle constantly to break into human existence. Sometimes they manage it and humans die horribly. Demon Apocalypse opens with just such a breaking through, and a plane full of men, women and children are torn apart in grisly detail. The demon lord is really only after one passenger - a boy who may be able to stop the demon apocalypse, a time when demons pour into the human world and finally eradicate humans forever. Like the previous Demonata novels, Demon Apocalypse drips with graphic gore. Though fast-paced and ultimately fascinating, the level of graphic violence may be a little much for many readers (and their parents) - though it's probably in line with the gorier movies today. I enjoyed the main character's reluctance to embrace the horrendous fate to which he is called, and although the scene of his most difficult life decision stretched out to the brink of tedium, ultimately, it felt emotionally true. Though not the best horror novel I've read this year, this one has all the thrills, chills, and spatter that today's horror-loving teen could want.
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