Denver Public Library | 11 September 2013 | Manon

Zom-B​, by Darren Shan, is a young adult novel about a teenager's perspective on the coming zombie apocalypse. In this quick read, we are introduced to B, the main character of the twelve book series. The book takes place in London, and tells how news originally spread of the zombies in Ireland. At first no one believes they exist, but when more stories of the attacks in cities around the world begin to circulate, people are forced to come to grips with the possibility. B, meanwhile, is trying to figure out who she is. Throughout the book, she is torn between wanting to please her racist father and make her own decisions about people. Zom-B is a gripping read, but reading about an abused child who doesn't care about school and seeks her father's attention through bullying other students can be difficult. As a reader, I was very annoyed with Shan for only revealing that B is a girl in the last fifty pages. In spite of that, I found myself wanting to read the next book to see what happens.

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