Downright Dystopian | 27 May 2014 | Krystianna

After finishing A Living Nightmare, I instantly starting reading the sequel because I just needed to know what happened. These books are just so short and fast paced and I adore every second of them!


In the sequel to A Living Nightmare, Darren must try to cope with how is life is now. He's a half-vampire, which is pretty cool besides the fact that he doesn't want to drink human blood. He knows that he has to because he keeps getting told that he must by Mr. Crepsley. If he doesn't drink human blood and he continues drinking animal blood instead, he will soon die. Darren is slowly becoming paler, and that is not just a side effect of becoming a half-vampire.


Since Darren is unhappy moving around a lot and by the fact that he doesn't really have any friends anymore because he can't have them, Mr. Crepsley suggests that they go back to the Cirque Du Freak because Darren could make some friends there. Once they return to the Cirque, Darren meets Evra, who is a boy who is half-snake, which is pretty wicked. Evra and Darren must share a tent, so they become pretty close.


This book was definitely better than the first, and I have a feeling that this will be a series that I will definitely stick with the whole way through because it's just so enjoyable. They're really easy reads too, as I read a lot of Goosebumps as a kid. I'll be reading the third book really soon!


5 stars.

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