This is the last book in the amazing Demonata series written by Darren Shan.
Grubbs Grady has had his Uncle Dervish in his life for years. Now with Dervish dead, along with Meera and other friends, the closest person to him is Kernel Fleck.
Grubbs thought that Bec would have his back, but as it looks, she has created an alliance with Grubbs's greatest enemy Lord Loss. Now without Bec, they have last a huge part of the Kah-Gash, so Grubbs, Kernel, a couple disciples, and three of his closest werewolves, go into the realm of the Demonata to rescue Bec from Lord Loss.
There are a lot of things that could change the outcome of this rescue. One is the scare of Bec being in an alliance with Lord Loss, another is will the human race last long enough for them to rescue Bec and unite the Kah-Gash, and finally, can they kill Lord Loss on his home turf?
I thought that the way Darren Shan wrote this book was purely amazing. He went into a detailed description of everything from what they thought to what they saw. If you want to read some amazing books, read the Demonata series as well as Cirque Du Freak, another awesome series by Darren Shan.