| 01 May 2004 | ???
Six years have passed since Darren, now a Vampire Prince, was crowned at Vampire mountain after facing the trials of death.Times are unsettled as the vampires and vampaneze wage a war of supremacy that only one side can win.It is once again up to Darren to find the Lord of the Vampaneze and settle things once and for all. He has no choice but to leave Vampire Mountain with Mr. Crepsley, Harkat and another Vampire Prince.They must find and confront the Lord of the Vampaneze, the trick may be, finding him. Darren learns they only have four chances, if they miss them, all of the vampires will pay the consequences.Hints are dropped throughout the book that may very well lead us back to Darren's hometown, we won't know until the next book in the series. We also get to spend some time back at Cirque Du Freak in this book and reunite with Mr. Tall and Evra.Another exciting read that you won't finish fast enough and can't wait for the next in the series to arrive!
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