| 01 May 2006 | Ailema Racek
Killers of the Dawn is a continuation of a series and as such starts out where the last book, Allies of the Night left off. Again, Darren and his friends are on the run from the vampaneze and are trying to find and destroy the vampaneze lord, but this time they must also face the human police force!After getting themselves out of prison, Darren and his fellows must find a place to take cover from the sun while strategizing about how to next meet the Vampaneze Lord. This is not an easy task as someone he thought was his friend….. doesn’t seem to trust him….I found a website that said this book was for 8 – 12 year olds. That made me feel, at the very least, immature and, at the very most, childish. However. Saving grace. I am no longer the only Cirque du Freak lover in my school! A few weeks before school got out, I saw one of my best friends clutching the third book in the series to her chest. When I asked her about it, she blushed and said she liked them. So I’m letting her borrow mine whenever she needs a fix. : ) What’re friends for, anyway?I read this about three months ago, so apologies if there’s not a very good review here. I couldn’t remember a lot of it. All I know is….. be prepared to cry. Because I did. And I have no heart. : ) I would recommend this to ANYONE! Not just 8 – 12 year olds. That just ticked me off. Now I feel like I did on my thirteenth Christmas and my grandmother bought me a Wizard of Oz game that was for 3-6 year olds (‘No Reading Required!’, the box said). Pfft.My rating: 10/10.
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