Markham Reviews | 16 April 2014 | Zoe Markham

This was a re-read for me as I want to go through the whole series again, and it’s even better the second time around.


The reason I love Zom-B is that Shan is fearless. He tackles stereotypes and difficult issues like domestic violence and racism head on. I can’t go into too much detail without going into spoiler territory, but when you hit the big twist in this one, you sit and flick back, thinking about WHY it was such a twist; what were all the things that led you to making a certain assumption? And how many times every day in normal life do you make similar assumptions? I thought it was genius, absolute genius.


With regard to the racism, it’s not often you read anything where it’s this explicit, and it was interesting, and painful to watch the effects a father’s attitudes can have on their child – to see how far it took B down a dangerous path, and what the ultimate price B paid was. Totally fearless writing, something you don’t often see for adults, let alone teens. B’s world is a tough one, and no mistake, way before the zombies show up.


I’m determined to stay spoiler-free, but I thought the ending was masterful – Tyler’s literal act is an exact copy of the metaphorical effect he’s already had on B. Brilliant. Just, brilliant.

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