Matthewrbell | 13 July 2014 | Matthew R Bell

Another macabre zombie tale by 'The Master of Horror' done. Time well and wickedly spent. While I'm ecstatic at the content, and the speed of which I'm breezing through them, I am also terrified. Terrified, that soon I'll have caught up and be left hanging (not literally). It's yet another series by Mr Shan that I do not want to end, but alas, it must. I'm desperate to get there though, to reach that inevitable end and have all the fantastical questions that have been posed to us, answered. So on I go, trepidation for the impending end, and hungry for its conclusion.


I don't know why I'm so glum, there are another 9 books to go.

B Smith escaped the clutches of the soldiers and scientists who held her captive, only now with more questions and guilt than before. She escapes into a post apocalyptic London, and once the thrill of being free passes, there's only one thought - apart from brains - left with her. What the hell does she do next? Left roaming the destroyed streets of her former home, B Smith has her work cut out for her, because she knows, even with the city dead, death is no longer the end.

I was coming off a high when I finished Zom-B Underground, so for me, City didn't match its power, but was still a roaring ride. It's slow paced, with seemingly random pieces of action thrown into the mix. It's clever, Zom-B City doesn't give many answers away, but asks tons in return. It's effective, because I want now more than ever to find out what the hell is going on, and knowing the author, it's going to be epic.
I loved the desolate and destroyed city of London, teeming with zombies. It paints an effective picture of isolation, and that's what this installation focuses on, being alone, stranded and stuck in a twisted nightmare of a place once called home.

B is as ambiguous as ever, holding on to her tough streak, while showing, metaphorically, that she still has a heart. Other characters appear, but are quick to vanish, but luckily they are all interesting, and will no doubt come back for another appearance.


It's not as fast-paced as the others, but I'm not sure it's meant to be, showing us the pain of true solidarity. Roll on the next horror!


4.5/5 stars

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