MoonStar's Fantasy World | 24 March 2012 |

I liked this book. Even though I am not really the age group it was meant for :) First off all. I wanna give this book 4 out of 6 stars. Which is a big number 4 :)


I chose to give this book 4 out of 6 stars. It´s a really great book for both young boys and girls. Which is great about it. Many books are only suitable for girls. But this one is good for both :) The reason it only got 4 out of 6 stars is it was a bit slow. And not much really happened. And there was no mystery big thing during the story. You just kind of followed his life story. But that was also okay. And this book was well written and easy read and therefor suitable for young readers. Though there are some violence and blood etc. it is vampires and in old times. But I don´t think that matters that much. Probably best fitted for young boys in the age 10-15 years. Girls might also like it. Though there are not really any female characters in this book. I will read the continuing book. Since all the mystery off this book was in the last sentence on the last page xD who is the mystery guy :O I need to find out...


I must confessed I haven´t read any of the other books, written by Darren Shan. But I have been thinking of it, since I watched the movie. The movie really surprised me, in a good way :)
So now I am just curious to read the sequel. And maybe pick up the other series by him as well :)

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