On Kalloween | 22 August 2013 | Cas Eloise

Zom-B written by Darren Shan, is an amazing book. Darren Shan is one of my favorite authors since I was in year 5. Since my teacher read us Cirque Du Freak! Ever since then I love reading, and it also made me want to write! The only book I haven't read by him is Possession of the Dead, which I plan to read soon. I have also met the talented Darren Shan on 06/05/2008 on which day I bought Deaths Shadow (the 7th book in the Demonata Series) and got it signed saying

To Cassidy
In the shadows of the night demons are plotting an assault on you

Zom-b is about someone called B. B's father is a racist bulling thug. B lives in a house with domestic violence, B's father constantly hits his wife, and B has to jump between them to protect her.


"He's a bully. A wife-beater. A racist. A hateful, nasty sod."
Page 120 Chapter 14.


In the book Zombies attack in a place called Pallaskenry, but no one in London believes it, they think it is all one big hoax.


B Smith puts on a act for dad, but B is not sure where the act stops and the real B begins. B acts racist to get approval. But B keeps asking the question, can you love a bulling, racist, thug if he's your father? Its only when the school goes to the Imperial War Museum, and sees the Holocaust exhibition a teacher, who is also as racist, compares B's father to the same amount of racism as the Nazi's, that's when the question is really asked.


'"Aren't the gas chambers where it will all end if Mrs **** and your father gets their way?" "No!" I shout'
(Teachers name withheld as not to spoil finding it out)
Page 102 Chapter 12


'I think about the Nazis. I think about my dad. 'It's not true,' I whisper 'They're not the same.' But a voice inside my head snickers slyly and asks the question that I don't dare form out loud...'
Page 103 Chapter 12


But then the Zombies attack, B and the gang have to act fast to survive their way through the zombie infested school. Learning about them as they go.


Can they survive?

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