Purple Booky | 30 April 2014 |

Zom-B is a YA story about zombie apocalypse. It has a different approach with subjects like racism and abusing. I liked the way this book was introduced and I am sure its a good starting to the series. Lot of surprises and suspense materials will give a strong hold on the story and it is very quick read.


B is a teen living in England with a racist, abusive father who drinks too much and beats B and B’s mother on a daily basis. Weird thing is, B loves him and hates him at the same time for his despicable bias. Just to please him B has to hit kids from other religion and skin color. By becoming a teen who is a trouble-maker, fighter, and racist B is trying to make him proud. But something is happening in the world recently, the news about zombies is spreading all over and B has seen some weird people hanging around. But when zombies attack the school there is no time to panic, B and friends are searching for a way out but seems like the attack was planned and door are locked. Who is behind these attacks? What are these creatures called zombies?


This book is more about B than zombies. The exciting stuff didn’t happen until the end. I was so surprised to find out about B at the end. ( I am not going to spoil that for you, I have tried so much to hide that in my review) I totally did not expect that. My rating 3 out of 5. I recommend this book to zombie fiction fans, but there is not a lot of action but I am sure other books in the series will have that covered.

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