Review Mania | 10 June 2013 |

The books always pick up directly where the previous one left off and Zom-B City is no exception. The third book is the slowest of all three combined. However, on a brighter note Darren Shan is slamming his twelve book series out at a rapid speed of one every three months. The story starts like any other, the stereotypical zombie or infected narrative where a breakout begins and from then on it consists of survival. That is, until B has her heart ripped out and the plot spins out the narrative point of view of a Zombie.


After previous reviews of the book I assumed this book to be a lot better, but it shares nothing you haven’t gained from previous apocalyptic films beforehand. The horror elements are slowly being added in book by book. The abusive woman beating father, the zombies, mutants, the gore, experiments, a spider spilling clown and the slaughter of innocence.

B finds herself exploring the city being careful of its ambience and finding new levels of zombies along the way, though she slips past them all quite easily until the end of the book. One notably good element to this book is the way Shan can describe a deserted apocalyptic London. However, once again this is nothing new as it has been seen many a time.


The book can be depicted as disturbing in certain parts. Those parts are the description of the clown, who we are yet to gain information on, and the malicious slaughter of the baby. The clown is somewhat cringe worthy and is created through a disturbed mind. The scene with the baby is another thing entirely. However, the one annoying thing about this book that keeps the readership gripped is the fact we know nothing about the mutants, owl man or Mr Dowling.


It is good for a quick read and I would argue it is a children’s book rather than a young teenager. The book is more realist than of the horror genre, but that can be argued. However, if you’re willing to open your imagination to its simplistic narrative it is quite a thrilling read and I’m quite sure Shan will add in more twists and turns as the novels progress.

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