Tail Wind News | 27 May 2013 | Rachel Leben

Darren Shan is one of the world’s best authors. He is an amazing horror writer. He has written many books, his most famous being the Cirque Du Freak. Although Cirque Du Freak was not as skin crawling as some of his other books like the Demonata series was, it still hit the surface as one of the best.


Darren Shan’s most recent book is Zom-B. The story focuses around the character B. A “bad boy”, B is always looking for a fight or a way to get into trouble. Her dad is a drunk that occasionally beats B’s mom. She loves her dad though, even admires him, but steps in when he beats his wife and tries to protect her. B’s dad is racist and tries to get B to become racist also. She has an African American friend, but Shan hints that B is still a little racist..


For most of the first book of the Zom-B series, Shan focuses on two things: racism and B’s affection for her racist dad. As the book nears an end, the two collide, creating the basis for the next book in the series: Zom-B: Underground.


In the second book, Shan takes a look from a different point of view; a zombie’s view. However, it’s not the normal flesh eating, brain crunching zombie, but a zombie that has emotion.


This book definitely emphasizes Shan’s reputation as a horror writer. The two books fill the reader with an unsettling feeling of skin crawling madness. Plus, just like all of Darren Shan’s other books, readers seem to struggle to put this one down, short as it may be. A book by Shan can be recognized when it has awkward romances and a lack of the characters’ sympathy. A simple way to put it is what is on the book cover art for Zom-B: Angels: Darren Shan: The Master of Horror.


The next book in the series comes out on April 9th. After Zom-B: City comes the next book: Zom-B: Angels. The Zom-B series is a 12 book series and awes anyone and everyone who reads them. 

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