The Guardian | 24 May 2014 | Daniel

This is the ninth book in the Darren Shan Saga. Darren and his crew are on the run followed closely by Vampaneze, police and an angry mob because of the lies Steve has told the police. There seems to be nowhere to run but at least he has Debbie by his side. There is a shocking twist at the end of the book which I was not expecting at all!


I enjoyed this book a lot as I have read the whole of the series so far. My favourite part was when Darren was in prison because as some of the officers left the police cell one of the officers stays and helps Darren escape! Darren is definitely my favourite character because he is brave and heroic. I also like him because he is strong, clever and a half-vampire!


I would recommend this series to everyone because it is easy to read, very mysterious with huge twists and I give it 4/5 stars.

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