The Picky Pages Project | 03 November 2014 |

I’ve wanted to read this book ever since I saw the movie when it came out, and I can’t wait to see where this story will take me in the rest of the series. A funny thing happened once I read the book though. I now really dislike the movie. That very rarely happens. Usually I find things about each that I enjoy and have a great respect for each art form, no matter how different.


They’ve taken out characters, which is fine. They added characters, which is great. I really just cant believe how much they changed the main character. The main character!!


Leaving the movie out of it, the book was great! It was funny, full of action, and really different! It was also surprisingly thought provoking and at times emotional (don’t let this scare you away, it’s not a sob story…I promise). The characters are interesting, and I just want to know more about them. I need to know what happens next!

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