Tulleruska's World | 25 June 2014 |



I'm still just as fascinated B and her zombie world. In this book takes place both good and bad things. B loses a friend gruesome manner, but also meets an old friend. Tears and joy go hand in hand. In the face of New Kirkham we see the personal development B has had since the first book and the world falls.


I would not let go, when the book was over. I just wanted more, which is a fantastic character.


The preceding books you can find more about here.


Jeg er fortsatt like fascinert over B og hennes zombieverden. I denne boka skjer det både vonde og gode ting. B mister en venn på grufullt vis, men treffer også en gammel venn. Tårer og glede går hand i hand. I møte med New Kirkham ser vi også hvilken personlige utvikling B har hatt siden første bok og verdens fall.

Jeg ville ikke gi slipp, da boka var slutt. Jeg ville bare ha mer, noe som er et fantastisk tegn.

De foregående bøkene finner du mer om her.

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