| 24 April 2010 | Mrs Mad
Mrs Mad's humble opinion 9/10 Very good. I am pleased with this. What's it about? Darren Shan the vampire's assistant must face the horror of the tunnels of blood when he finds mass murder in the city! What happens? Darren, Evra and Mr Crepsley leave the Cirque du Freak and travel to a city, at first Darren just enjoys the feelings of being with people again, especially when he meets a young girl called Debbie. But then bodies start being found, bodies savagely emptied of all their blood. Darren suspects Mr Crepsley and he and Evra follow the Vampire to catch him and kill him, but is it Mr Crepsley who is behind these manic killings or is there another darker, evil monster loose beneath the city? Is it easy to read? Easily read, good choice for boys who are finding it difficult to choose, girls will like it too. Anything else? In this book we see Darren falling for a girl and putting his vampire ways aside for a while, this is a gentle interlude and we quickly discover something really evil is happening here, nothing like this has happened to Darren before and it is shocking stuff. Extremely well written by Shan, this book surges forward in the adventures of our hero, and makes us look at some of the other characters in a new light too! Brilliant.
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