• Downright Dystopian

    Downright Dystopian | 27 May 2014

    After finishing A Living Nightmare, I instantly starting reading the sequel because I just needed to know what happened. These books are just so short and fast paced and I adore every second of...

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  • I Am A Reader

    I Am A Reader | 25 May 2014

    This book follows Zom-B, Zom-B Underground, and Zom-B City. This series follows B, or Becky, through the attacks on humanity where a very contagious virus turns people into Zombies. I will not go...

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  • The Guardian

    The Guardian | 25 May 2014

    This was a World Book Day short story which I have read over and over. Koyasan is very scared of the graveyard over the bridge and does not want to cross it like the other kids. Then her Sister's...

    Read full review: The Guardian
  • The Guardian

    The Guardian | 24 May 2014

    This is the ninth book in the Darren Shan Saga. Darren and his crew are on the run followed closely by Vampaneze, police and an angry mob because of the lies Steve has told the police. There...

    Read full review: The Guardian
  • Fiction Fascination

    Fiction Fascination | 23 May 2014

    You know, I live for these devilishly moreish Zom-B books! Just look at the artwork on that front cover - the guys over at Simon & Schuster always do a cracking job!


    Zom-B Mission sees B,...

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  • Purple Booky

    Purple Booky | 21 May 2014

    After devouring Zom-B by Darren Shan I was quick to jump into the second book in the series, Zom-B Underground. After the complete shock of book one’s ending, I just had to know what the author...

    Read full review: Purple Booky
  • Books, Books, Books

    Books, Books, Books | 18 May 2014

    It's always infuriating to see a mediocre book hit the bestsellers' list, and for your favourite series to be massively underrated. One of my favourite series of all time is Darren Shan's vampire...

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  • Jessie’s Blog

    Jessie's Blog | 12 May 2014

    Zombies are taking over Ireland! Zom-b is a fantasy book written by Darren Shan that takes place in Ireland. B is a young girl who gets abused by her dad at home and has troubles at school. She...

    Read full review: Jessie’s Blog
  • Dark Readers

    Dark Readers | 11 May 2014

    First of all let me just say how much I LOVE this cover. Mr Dowling had already been on one cover but I'm soooo glad he's made a come back. Its so creepy, yet keeps my focus, and all I can hear...

    Read full review: Dark Readers
  • The Star Online

    The Star Online | 06 May 2014

    In the seventh book in the series, Becky Smith, aka Zom B, the “revitalised” previous zombie now known as an “angel”, joins other Angels to escort a group of human survivors from London to the...

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  • Easier Than Speech

    Easier Than Speech | 06 May 2014

    Well I was stacking shelves at work when an interesting book cover caught my attention. ‘Ooh, Zombies… Oooh, Darren Shan.’ So at the end of my shift I bought the book, returned home and...

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  • Downright Dystopian

    Downright Dystopian | 05 May 2014

    I watched the movie for this series a few months ago, so I decided it's time I give this series a read. The movie is based off of the first three books, which is pretty cool.


    Darren is just...

    Read full review: Downright Dystopian