• Purple Booky

    Purple Booky | 30 April 2014

    Zom-B is a YA story about zombie apocalypse. It has a different approach with subjects like racism and abusing. I liked the way this book was introduced and I am sure its a good starting to the...

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  • Lovely Books

    Lovely Books | 28 April 2014



    As a big fan of Darren Shan , I naturally bought the 5th part of the Zom -B series , because I wanted to...

    Read full review: Lovely Books
  • Fiction State Of Mind

    Fiction State Of Mind | 28 April 2014

    I’m totally in love with this book! So welcome to another fangirling session about one of my favorite series Darren Shan is knocking it out of the park with story development and zombie goodness...

    Read full review: Fiction State Of Mind
  • Jodie Neary

    Jodie Neary | 21 April 2014

    This is the one, as they say, that started it all. This was the series that got me reading. I have a fantastic teacher from primary school to thank for that. He got the whole class into the first...

    Read full review: Jodie Neary
  • The Book Owl Extraordinaire

    The Book Owl Extraordinaire | 20 April 2014

    Another success in the Zom-B series by Darren Shan (to me anyway).


    In this book its been about 4 months since B was held captive to fight as a gladiator. Her and her group of angels have...

    Read full review: The Book Owl Extraordinaire
  • Arkham Reviews

    Arkham Reviews | 16 April 2014

    Before I begin this review, I think I should get the warning out of the way. This series is violent. Incredibly violent. If you are in any way squeamish or easily frightened, these books are not...

    Read full review: Arkham Reviews
  • Arkham Reviews

    Arkham Reviews | 16 April 2014

    Before I begin this review, I think I should get the warning out of the way. This series is violent. Incredibly violent. If you are in any way squeamish or easily frightened, these books are not...

    Read full review: Arkham Reviews
  • Reviewer’s Digest

    Reviewer's Digest | 16 April 2014

    Darren Shan’s Zom-B series has its habit of being interesting one book then close to boring the next.


    And yet it seems like we may now be breaking that trend as the series gets closer to...

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  • Markham Reviews

    Markham Reviews | 16 April 2014

    This was a re-read for me as I want to go through the whole series again, and it’s even better the second time around.


    The reason I love Zom-B is that Shan is fearless. He tackles...

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  • Markham Reviews

    Markham Reviews | 15 April 2014

    What a great ending to the first trilogy! Tunnels of Blood is darker still, and finally movesg the action out into the wider Vampire society, I can’t fault it. It was nice to see Darren, Evra and...

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  • Markham Reviews

    Markham Reviews | 15 April 2014

    Even better than Cirque Du Freak. I LOVE this series. The Vampire’s Assistant is darker and more violent than the first, but it’s so intelligently and compellingly written that I’d still be...

    Read full review: Markham Reviews
  • Markham Reviews

    Markham Reviews | 15 April 2014

    I’ve been getting hooked on Darren Shan via his ZOM-B series, and have come to the Vampire novels really late in the day, but what a treat!


    I read Cirque du Freak in one sitting and adored...

    Read full review: Markham Reviews