• Ice Queen’s Bookshelf

    Ice Queen's Bookshelf | 14 April 2014

    Ok so this book is not as great as I thought it would be, it is pretty slow, but maybe that's just because it is the first book in a serie of 12 or maybe because I have seen the movie before...

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  • Starburst

    Starburst | 13 April 2014

    The seventh instalment of the ZOM-B series is mostly dedicated to world-building which, considering it takes place in a London not that far removed from our own (with the obvious addition of...

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  • The Bookbag

    The Bookbag | 07 April 2014

    B Smith has finally fully committed to the Angels, a group of conscious zombies led by Dr Oystein. B has worked through some of her issues about friendship and attachment in this post-apocalyptic...

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  • The Library For Delinquents

    The Library For Delinquents | 01 April 2014

    Here is a book that reminded me why I love horror writing. It isn’t just about the scares, or the suspense, or the intensity of reading about characters who are constantly being faced with...

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  • I Love My Blog

    I Love My Blog | 01 April 2014

    “One of the horrifying creatures darted for them , reaching for Brian drooling as it moved towards him”. (shawn Intro) That was from the book zom-b Darren shan. the genre is fiction this book is...

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  • So Many Books, So Little Time

    So Many Books, So Little Time | 31 March 2014

    You’d think that by book seven this series would be getting a bit stale, but nope. I loved Zom-B Mission just as much as I did the previous six books!


    We pick up with a B a few months after...

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  • The Book Zone (For Boys)

    The Book Zone (For Boys) | 31 March 2014

    As this series progresses, it is getting harder and harder to write reviews of Darren Shan's Zom-B books without creating spoilers for previous episodes. So please be warned - if you have not yet...

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  • Fiction Fascination

    Fiction Fascination | 29 March 2014

    Zom-B Gladiator is the 6th instalment in the fantastic Zom-B series. It sees us at the halfway point and really anything could happen....and probably will!


    I really enjoyed the events in...

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  • Zotwot

    Zotwot | 27 March 2014

    I think this might be the best book of the series so far. No longer are we sat around County Hall talking and training but here the action really begins as B and her Angels are sent on a mission...

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  • Daily Record

    Daily Record | 22 March 2014

    This is part of the Demonata series, which is about demons from another universe trying to break through the Earth's defences. Protecting the Earth are men and women called Disciples, who have...

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  • Taking A Break

    Taking A Break | 19 March 2014

    The synopsis makes it look as if there’s a lot happening in this book. That’s a lie. Zom-B City spends most of its pages on developing the character of our protagonist, whilst setting up the...

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  • Paranormal Sisters

    Paranormal Sisters | 15 March 2014

    Though I'm not a big fan of this series and mainly because of the main character, B, I still had to pick this up. Why you ask, because we finally FINALLY get answers to why the zombie apocalypse...

    Read full review: Paranormal Sisters