• So Many Books, So Little Time

    So Many Books, So Little Time | 30 September 2013

    Book five in the Zom-B series is already here! I really love that we get a book every three months; it’s long enough to get to delicious wait for a next instalment but not so long you forget...

    Read full review: So Many Books, So Little Time
  • Book Lovers’ Sanctuary

    Book Lovers' Sanctuary | 29 September 2013

    I bought this for my son and wanted to cast my eye over it before he read it. He is only twelve and these are zombies. My ears still ring with his squealing at the cover of Pride and Prejudice...

    Read full review: Book Lovers’ Sanctuary
  • Fiction Fascination

    Fiction Fascination | 27 September 2013

    Wow! Zom-B blew my mind in so many ways! I'm seriously excited because I really wasn't expecting to love this so much!


    Darren Shan's writing is kick-butt! It's very snappy, to the point and...

    Read full review: Fiction Fascination
  • The Book Zone (For Boys)

    The Book Zone (For Boys) | 26 September 2013

    *** Warning: contains spoilers for previous books in the series ***


    Just as B thought she had found somewhere she felt comfortable, with Revitaliseds of the same age, and someone who could...

    Read full review: The Book Zone (For Boys)
  • Searching For The Perfect Book

    Searching For The Perfect Book | 26 September 2013

    The Thin Executioner is about Jebel, the son of the best executioner the city has ever seen. Jebel wants to be executioner too, but when his father says he will resign, he forgets to mention...

    Read full review: Searching For The Perfect Book
  • Nerd Span

    Nerd Span | 18 September 2013

    A zombie book without zombies could be the tagline for the young adult novel Zom-B by Darren Shan. I had been so excited for this book, with the idea of seeing the onset of a zombie apocalypse...

    Read full review: Nerd Span
  • Into Geek

    Into Geek | 13 September 2013

    (Spoilers for books 1-3 of the series but spoiler-free for this one)


    After Zom-B City the undead B finds her way to City Hall where a mysterious Doctor welcomes her to a sanctuary for the...

    Read full review: Into Geek
  • The ‘Long’ Way Reviewer

    The 'Long' Way Reviewer | 13 September 2013

    As a long time fan of Darren Shan I have made it my life’s work to read all that he writes; my latest conquest was his novel for adults – Procession of the Dead. Being so used to his style of...

    Read full review: The ‘Long’ Way Reviewer
  • Denver Public Library

    Denver Public Library | 11 September 2013

    Zom-B​, by Darren Shan, is a young adult novel about a teenager's perspective on the coming zombie apocalypse. In this quick read, we are introduced to B, the main character of the twelve book...

    Read full review: Denver Public Library
  • Searching For The Perfect Book

    Searching For The Perfect Book | 10 September 2013

    Zom-b City is Darren Shan's third book in his Zom-b series. This book starts when B is emerging from an underground compound where the military kept revitalized zombies and tested whether they...

    Read full review: Searching For The Perfect Book
  • The Absent Librarian

    The Absent Librarian | 09 September 2013

    Love the cover!

    Love the title!

    Almost liked the book.

    "When news reports start appearing of a zombie outbreak in Ireland, B's racist father thinks it's a joke— but even if it isn't,...

    Read full review: The Absent Librarian
  • fieldri1

    fieldri1 | 03 September 2013

    This is the first of the Zom-B books that I have read (and I now realise I have read the ones that I have read completely out of order). It is a very different book from the one that preceded it...

    Read full review: fieldri1