| 27 April 2010 | Chris
The Vampire Prince is the sixth book in The Saga Of Darren Shan written by Darren Shan.The book starts with young Darren being hurtled down Vampire Mountain in the raging waters of the Vampire Mountain Rivers. After having seen his good friend Gavner Purl been brutally murdered by the soon to be prince, Kurda Smahlt the half vampire, Darren ran but while trying to warn the vampire princes he took a wrong turn and found himself in the Hall of Voyage and was forced to jump into raging waters to escape the Vampaneze. Kurda has betrayed the Vampires and has sided with the Vampaneze who are the sworn enemy of the Vampires.The Darren Shan saga is of the fantasy genre and is suitable for ages from eleven upwards.It appeals greatly to its intended audience due to its topic of the world through a vampire’s view showing their honor and way of life. The storyline and writing style are distinctive and are exceedingly first-rate. The readability is straightforward aside from some of the names e.g. Harkat Mulds. Personally I thought this book was bodacious and recommend it to any one over eleven.
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