Flavour of the Month
26 May 2020It's always nice to be flavour of the month! Recently I've enjoyed that pleasure in two very different places...
First up, I've been advertising my Archibald Lox books through a variety of book...
Molls Like hot sales!
25 May 2020Back in December last year I released my latest novel for adults, Molls Like It Hot, under my Darren Dash pseudonym. A fast paced crime noir thriller, it's proven extremely popular with critics and...
A Demonic Sunday
24 May 2020I normally post Shan family photos on a Sunday, but there's a lot of fan art and other bits of pieces stacking up on my desktop, mostly because I've been posting so much about my new Archibald Lox ...
Talk Radio Europe catchup
23 May 2020I did a radio interview with The Book Show on Talk Radio Europe during the week. It was my first radio interview since I released my Archibald Lox books, so I talked about those a fair bit, but we...
The Magic Word
22 May 2020A lovely little short film called The Magic Word was uploaded to YouTube last week after years of hard work by its creator, Sarah Grant. It's a 5 minute love story to the wonders and powers of...
Free and cheap eBooks
21 May 2020If you're looking for good children's books to read during lockdown, and don't want to break the bank when buying, there's a list of FREE and Great Value (i.e. cheap!) eBooks for children over on...