Now you see him…
26 May 2019My son Dante goes to a lovely Montessori (pre-school) in our local village. Last week the children went on a school trip to Curraghchase (our local forest park) where they were entertained by a...
Double Ianto
25 May 2019I posted a sweet, romantic fan drawing of Mr Crepsley and Arra Sails a few days ago, so it seemed appropriate to feature them again today, albeit this time apart -- perhaps lonely, each one...
The forgotten ones
24 May 2019"Who the hell is Pasta O'Malley?!?"
That was a question posed by a fan over on Twitter a few days ago. They'd re-read the series, spotted his name in the final book, and couldn't recall him...
23 May 2019I had a trip down memory lane recently when shifting some papers around in my office. Pretty much all of the fan art that I feature on Facebook and my blog these days is sent to me electronically,...
Vegan DesTiny?!?
22 May 2019Last week I posted about Cirque Du Freak getting a shout-out on the Raise Vegan web site, and pondered what the character RV would have thought of it. Destiny (DesTiny) being what it (he) is, very...
Tattoo Tuesday
21 May 2019It's Tattoo Tuesday time again, and this week's offering is a real stunner. It was sent to me by a fan called Hannah, who has given over most of her lower leg to the tattoo and packed in a HUGE...