• Ban the Zom-B babies!!

    29 May 2019

    Yesterday's post about a boy who'd enjoyed Zom-B Baby and posted a short review of it on Twitter reminded me of some harsher critics, who succeeded in having the book removed from the shelves of a...

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  • Book Moles

    28 May 2019

    I like the @BookMoles group over on Twitter, where students post pictures of themselves holding a book that they've recently read in front of their faces, along with a very short review of it. A...

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  • New Spanish review

    27 May 2019

    A Spanish reviewer recently reviewed the last three books of my Saga Of Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak series, on the site El Club De Las Sebaduras. It wasn't an easy undertaking for the reviewer,...

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  • Now you see him…

    26 May 2019

    My son Dante goes to a lovely Montessori (pre-school) in our local village. Last week the children went on a school trip to Curraghchase (our local forest park) where they were entertained by a...

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  • Double Ianto

    25 May 2019

    I posted a sweet, romantic fan drawing of Mr Crepsley and Arra Sails a few days ago, so it seemed appropriate to feature them again today, albeit this time apart -- perhaps lonely, each one...

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  • The forgotten ones

    24 May 2019

    "Who the hell is Pasta O'Malley?!?"


    That was a question posed by a fan over on Twitter a few days ago. They'd re-read the series, spotted his name in the final book, and couldn't recall him...

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