• Vlog quest

    04 April 2019

    Vlogger JJ Goodman set himself the task of reviewing all ten books in my Demonata series last month -- he proclaimed March to be Demonata Month! Did he succeed in his goal, or did he come up short...

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  • What’s in a name?

    03 April 2019

    Last month I went to a joint 50th birthday party for two of my cousins, Davina and Sharon. Whilst there, I was helped out with my dinner by one of our friends, Jimmy Biesty, who clearly didn't...

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  • Tattoo Tuesday

    02 April 2019

    I got out of the habit of posting blogs here. I started doing them on Facebook, and over time I kind of forgot about the blog feature on my own website. I was reminded of it yesterday, when I...

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  • Tattoo Tuesday

    02 April 2019

    I got out of the habit of posting blogs here. I started doing them over on Facebook, and over time I kind of forgot about the blog feature on my own website. I was reminded of it yesterday, when I...

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  • Au revoir!

    01 April 2019

    I've been giving the future a lot of thought over the last few months, as I prepared for the arrival of our baby daughter, Gaia. Writing has been very important to me for a long, long time, but...

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  • The big Tips-off!

    30 July 2013

    I received a really nice email from a fan today:


    I just wanted to say "Thanks". I am an aspiring writer, as most of us are, and the Writing Tips portion of your blog really helped me get...

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