• Brixie Blogi

    15 January 2021

    I haven't seen too many Estonian reviews of my books over the years -- they never really took off in Estonia, and only two were ever published there. But a blogger called Brixie set out to correct...

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  • Archibald hits Joshua’s sweet spot!

    14 January 2021

    It's sweet when someone reads a book of mine and really likes it -- and even sweeter when they take to the internet to declare their love from the virtual rooftops!! :-) That's what a fan called...

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  • Amity Lee Inktober Part 5

    13 January 2021

    In October a fan called Amity Lee committed herself to INKTOBER, where artists set themselves a challenge of producing a certain amount of work over the course of the month, inspired by a set of...

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  • Deja Nate

    12 January 2021

    Time for a spot of video deja vu!


    This short video was put together by a fan of my books called Nate nearly 7 years ago. In it, he talks about his love for my books, and why he felt the movie...

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  • Goodbye, Mr Little

    11 January 2021

    It's with great sadness that I have to announce the death of my agent, Christopher Little, who died at home surrounded by his family on January 7th, aged 79.


    Almost 25 years to the day earlier,...

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  • Leaf chasers

    10 January 2021

    In the middle of yet another lockdown, I'm once again reminded of how lucky I am to be living in the countryside where Mrs Shan and I can get out and about with our little ones while staying within...

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