• Birthday week

    04 July 2010

    Sorry (again!) for the lengthy absence, but it was my birthday on July 2nd, so I've been treating myself to a week off!! On Monday night, as I was watching Brazil beat Chile in the World Cup and...

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  • New Thin Executioner review

    04 July 2010

    You can read a new review of The Thin Executioner by Horror Ezine by CLICKING HERE.

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  • Voyager interview

    30 June 2010

    You can read an interview with me, about my adult books, on the Voyager site by clicking here: http://www.voyagerbooks.com/2010/06/30/darren-shan-qa/

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  • House, editing, footie, fan mail, Death County

    27 June 2010

    It's been a long week of watching World Cup football (soccer, for my American fans) matches, doing work on our extension, answering fan mail, and editing. The footie first -- while I haven't...

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  • The World in a Satin Bag

    26 June 2010

    You can read a new interview with me, mostly about my adult work, on The World In A Satin Bag, by clicking on this link: http://tinyurl.com/2fjnfp9

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  • June Shanville Monthly competition winners

    22 June 2010

    I meant to post this yesterday but forgot!! The competition winners for the Shanville Monthly June competition have been drawn and they are...

    UK & Ireland comp: Katie-Louise Dean, Swindon....

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