• Elephant on the loose!

    03 January 2021

    Christmas has come and gone... and so have the Shan elves! Like many households with young children, we're visited each December by elves on the shelves. (It used to be just an elf on the shelf...

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  • Canadian highs

    02 January 2021

    I ran an end-of-year eBook sale on my very weird, very dark sci-fi novel An Other Place, released under the name of Darren Dash a few years back, and it's proved a big hit with readers, especially...

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  • Happy New Year!!

    01 January 2021

    Happy New Year, everybody!! What better way to kick off 2021 than with three drawings of everyone's favourite orange-haired vampire -- Mr Crepsley!!! All three were drawn by a fan called Keroromo,...

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  • As 2020 Merges into 2021…

    31 December 2020

    For my final post of 2020, I'm turning -- as I have so many times this year -- to the artwork of Amity Lee, who's drawn a couple of lovely pictures of various characters from my new Archibald Lox ...

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  • My final sale of 2020

    30 December 2020

    I'm running one final discounted eBook sale before the end of the year, and this time it's the turn of my weird sci-fi novel An Other Place, which I released under the name of Darren Dash, for...

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  • One last Tattoo Tuesday before year’s end

    29 December 2020

    Is there time in 2020 for one last Tattoo Tuesday post?


    Of course there is!!


    This one comes courtesy of a fan of Shan called Dan who had a plan to become a tattooed man and figured if any...

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